Discussing whether the pros of solar panels are worth the cons.

Over the last few years, we've gotten a lot of questions about whether or not solar is worth it. Today we’ll share some things to keep in mind if you’re considering installing solar panels.

It’s not cheap to install solar panels, and appraisers don’t assign much value to them. This makes them similar to a pool. They’re a nice improvement if you're going to use them, but you're very rarely going to get the amount of money back from the sale that you put into them. There’s also a segment of buyers who don’t want solar panels and will ignore a listing that has them.

I've also had roofers tell me that it's not the best idea to drill holes in your roof to install solar panels. Take into consideration that with all the rain we get in Florida, putting holes in your roof may not be a safe idea. Solar panels do provide savings and benefits, but you should consider how long you’ll need to own the solar panels for them to pay for themselves.

If you have any more questions, give us a call at (407) 499-8993. We look forward to hearing from you.