If you need to buy and sell simultaneously, we have you covered.

As you may know, it’s an incredible seller’s market here in Central Florida; we’re seeing a lot of multiple-offer situations. But what if you need to buy and sell a home in the same market? This is a bit more complicated than doing one transaction, but we’re here to help guide you through the process. Every situation is unique, but usually, we’ll fully market your house, make any needed improvements, take photos, get you pre-approved, then you’ll go out and look for a new property. Then we’ll make an offer contingent on the sale of your current home. 

We’re here to help guide you through the process.

Hopefully, that offer is accepted, then we’ll put your current house on the market, do our best to get you the highest price possible, probably get you multiple offers, then attempt to negotiate what’s called a post-occupancy agreement. This means you can sell your home, then occupy it after closing for about 10 to 14 days so you have time to move, make a few changes to your new house before you move in, etc. This helps you have time to do these things and not be as constrained. You can absolutely sell a home and buy a new one at the same time; it simply takes a bit more finesse. If you have any questions or this applies to your situation, please give us a call or send an email. We would love to speak with you.